Eco Church

“The Earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world and all who live in it”
— Psalm 24:1

What are we up to?

No Mow May

Our Churchyards joined in with No Mow May where we encouraged the grass and flowers to grow to make sure we are providing homes and food for all the wildlife in our areas.

The churchyards all looked spectacular with the wildflowers and grasses growing and we hope they provided valuable habitats for our insect friends. We are currently surveying our churchyards to see how much wildlife is there and what effect our No Mow May might have had.

If you got involved in No Mow May and want to know what to do about it now, there is some helpful information here.

Love Your Burial Ground

During June we took part in Love Your Burial Ground week. A few of us spent some time in our churchyards to see what plants and animals we founde - what wildlife there is making use of our churchyards!

We’re currently collating all of the observations which all of us made over the last week and will update you all soon on what we found - there was a lot of wildlife, many different plants, insects and birds! You can find out more about Love Your Burial Ground here.